Tips For A Successful End Of Summer Garage Sale
Posted on August 17th, 2017
Going to a garage sale and hosting your own garage sale are two very different feats. In one case, you get to drive around town at your own leisure and peruse through others’ things that they no longer need or want, often scoring some cool antiques or the perfect furniture item for your new apartment. Clearing out your own garage, however, to price and somewhat organize all of your unwanted junk is quite the task, especially when you have to sit at the sale all day in the beating sun and bargain with people. Even though hosting a garage sale can be a lot of work, we’ve come up with a few tips to help make yours successful and well-executed.
Signs & Ads Are Very Important
Making it well-known that you are having a garage sale is the first step in making it successful. A day or two before your sale begins, put signs up around your neighborhood and along busier roads near your house. Be sure to use large, legible font and include an arrow pointing towards the sale or the address of your home so people know where to go. It may also be helpful to advertise on craigslist or social media. Posting a few photos of your “big ticket” items for people to see can really help lure them in on the actual day of the sale.
Place Larger Items Closer To The Street
As cars drive past your sale, you have about 3 seconds to capture their attention. By placing the larger, more desirable items in front, you are letting the potential shopper know that you have a lot of cool stuff to offer. Many people go garage-saling to find furniture, so making these items as visible as possible will definitely be beneficial.
A Free Pile Is Key
Whether it’s a bunch of junk or a few things people could actually use, everyone loves free stuff. Having a well-marked “free” pile out front will really help to lure people in. Some people will feel bad for just taking things from the free pile too, so they will usually find at least one other item to actually purchase.
Host With Friends Or Family
In order to have a successful garage sale, you need to have a significant number of things to sell to make your garage look full. If need be, reach out to friends, family members, or neighbors to see if they have anything they would like to contribute to the sale to help attract more shoppers.
Price To Sell
People come to garages sales to find cheap stuff and to feel like they are getting a bargain, so its important to price things in a way that will make them sell right away. If there is something that you believe is worth more than it would sell for in the garage sale, post it on craigslist or ebay instead.
Courtesy of House of Hepworths