Home Resolutions for the New Year
Posted on January 17th, 2017
While many have resolutions regarding their health, your home ought to also be on that list! As one of the biggest investments you’ve made, it is important to continue to treat it well. There are many little things, along with larger improvements that you can do to keep your home looking great all year round. From weatherizing your home to finishing past projects, make 2017 a good year for your home.
The Outdoors
One of the most cost-effective renovations you can do is to fix the front door. Whether you need to fully replace it or a little paint touch-up will do the trick, doing this increases the curb appeal of your home greatly. You may have to wait until spring to do so, but once you do, it will have been worth it! Speaking of spring, one thing you need to do before flowers begin to bloom is weatherize your home.
During the winter, walk around the inside of your home and see where any cold air is coming in. Insulation is often lacking near baseboards, windows, outlets, fireplaces, etc., so be sure to address this. Some weatherizing can be done yourself, whereas some must be completed by a contractor; however, the money spent on a professional will be made up with a lower heat bill!
Finish the Unfinished
Everyone has at least one project in the home that they started a while ago and haven’t gotten around to finishing it. From organizing the spare room to replacing cabinets, this year is the time to complete the job. If it is a larger remodeling project, remember that a faster turnaround saves you money in the long run, and if it is a small project, think of how much less stress you will have once it is done!
Pick A Room
Ultimately, the best way to get home renovating projects done is to just pick one room at a time and fix what you don’t like. If you have always wanted to paint your living room, find the paint and set aside a weekend to take the plunge. Once you finish one room, move onto the next. By viewing your home as one project at a time rather than all at once, it will seem much more manageable.
If one of your home remodeling projects include adding or renovating your garage, be sure to call Absolute Garage Builders to get started today!
Courtesy of: Realtor